Contact. A hyped game, and one i'm very looking forward to reviewing.
First things first, lets get the plot over and done with.
One day, in a universe similar to this, a professor was flying over a galaxy very similar to ours, being tailed by some evil dudes. The professor (Who's name is unknown), gets hit, and crashes to earth.
What the bad dudes are after, is what the ship is powered by: Fuel cells.
Meanwhile, a boy called terry was wandering along, when he saw a green crystal. Suddenly, a professor appeared and told him 'Don't touch that!'.
However, terry touched it, and flew backwards.
After he wakes up, thats when the gameplay begins.
The controls are really easy, since its all by the d-pad or touch screen.
The scenes are varied, you'll get to really love the characters, and the gameplay is amazing.
In fact there is only one flaw in contact.
One, is the battle system.
Its annoying.
You press the button to go into the attack stance, and he its, but you don't control when.
You can't control when he hits.
Don't let this put you off, because you get used to it afer a while, and if you are an even slight fan of rpgs, I would reccomend this heavily.
Score: 91.
Verdict: Contact is very good, But the battle system is slightly flawed.
Its not the best.
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